Tuesday 24 December 2013

Things that make Christmas....well Christmas ^__^

Hey again guys!
Ughh how perfect is Kalel I s2g <3 haha :P

I've decided that i'm gonna post twice tomorrow, because i'll have more to talk about then :)

How is your Christmas eve going? :P I've just been on my computer like all day >.< haha so I thought I would make my blog post for today :)
Today's topic is just gonna be about my favourite Christmassy things :)
so...here goes :)

1. Quality street/ roses/ any christmassy chocolate!
Lets be honest, it wouldn't be Christmas without those chocolate selection tins/ boxes! :)
The only thing i hate is when all the crappy ones are left !>.<! haha (like the coconut, nuts etc...)
My favourite is most definitely the orange cream *.* GAH

2. Christmas films!
Ahh :) They always have the best films on at Christmas (even if its not a Christmas film) It could even be Finding nemo and I will still be happy ^.^ (its on rn ;) aha)
Home alone will always be my favourite :')

3. Decorations!

Whether it be the decorations outside the house or inside, they are beautiful! :) There's a house around by where I live that must be THE most decorated house EVER! haha! But we always have to drive past it near Christmas time, it's so beautiful!

4. Snow!
Okay it actually hasn't snowed for me yet :( *sad face forever*
But i hope it does ^.^
It has snowed every year for the last (i think) 4 years ^.^
It never fails to amaze me <3
The only thing is that when it starts melting it turns into a slushy ice that nobody can walk on :( *especially in heels haha* (i ended up falling in front of a big group of people) *cringe*

5. Scented candles!
This one would probably fit under decorations, but as scented candles are my NEW obsession <3 I thought I would add this one as an extra :)
My favourite is one you can get in asda under the name of 'Apple and spice'
SUCH a lovely candle :) gahh. It's like Christmas in a glass!
I bought one in this fancy glass, but i used it TOO much and it went really quickly :'( r.i.p!

6. Christmas music!

You really know it's Christmas when your teachers go on youtube to find Christmas music for you ^.^ I think that's the only time I listen to it. That and Christmas day :) So i don't really listen to it BUT it just makes Christmas feel more...well christmassy ;D

7. Staying up late to catch a glimpse of Santa ;)

Okay i NEVER actually did this as a kid >.< I thought that Santa wouldn't deliver my presents because I was up :( haha! Although i did look out my window (when it was like 7:00pm) hahaha!

8. The food!

Okay last thing on the list goes to the food :) haha of course!
Being vegetarian, I eat the Quorn family roast:

Quorn is literally the best thing ever! :) so nice!
BUT as I am the only vegetarian in the house :( *sigh* I have to eat it all over time
So its not quite that 'family' roast x'D

SO there you have it
My list of christmassy things! :)
I hope you have an amazing Christmas and get everything you wished for! :)
I'll be posting twice tomorrow! (what? i really don't know) BUT it's happening! :P
Much love and goodnight!

Laura xoxo <3

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